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Welcome To Vilcabamba
"The Sacred Valley of Longevity"

This Is A Privately Circulated Blog, scribbled exclusively for Friends & Familiars, that peers into and pontificates about Expat life in the hinterlands of South America. If your eyesight is less than optimal (like mine), then just click the type size up a notch on your browser..

Here you will find a series of curmudgeonly commentaries that I've posted from atop my rickety old soapbox for the past few years. And yes, there are indeed political rantings, so place your seats in the upright position and fasten your seat belts .... it may be a bumpy ride.


Newest Clif High Bombshell

There is a web link that is worth clicking on, just to see what is going on within the Deep State of the USA, especially the current political election.

The guest on the Greg Hunter USA Watchdog show is the Internet data mining expert Clif High of www.Halfpasthuman.com. To view click on:

Clif High Youtube Post


And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouching toward us … drawing nigh.

One can easily insert one or the other’s names of our hapless presidential contenders to the paraphrase of William Butler Yeats’ poem. Rough beasts indeed.

But this is an election that I will sit out, voting for neither one of these two would-be “leaders of the free world”. No matter who ‘wins’ this contest, at least half the citizens of North America are the losers. Not much of an election mandate is it?

I must admit that were I to cast my vote it would probably be for Donald J. Trump ... just to see all the professional politicians freak out in fear of what The Donald would do in the way of draining the swamp that is Washington, DC.


After watching the final presidential debate (North American version) I found myself outraged at the politicizing and pussyfooting around the serious issues in this U.S. election. Both candidates were equally to blame, as anyone other than a dyed-in-the-wool supporter would be forced to admit. Snarky rejoinders and hurled barbs took the place of statements about substantive issues that divide the electorate.

Were this clown circus not simply meant as 'entertainment' for the ill-informed, it would have been a complete disaster for the purpose of providing a proper context for what ails the United States of America.

And the clock is ticking. There is less than mere days remaining until the election itself, yet the nation is still hopelessly divided. How is it possible that the country of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson has put forth two such disliked and tainted individuals to serve as the heads of their respective political parties? How is it that this once-great country has sold itself so cheaply.


Bonfire Of The Vanities

The one thing that this election cycle proves is that my beloved former country is in the midst of crashing and burning ... spectacularly.

Never in all of my 87 years have I witnessed this level of spite and angry vituperate remarks from one candidate to another as from Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. It is simply well beyond the bounds of the usual political devisive discourse of previous elections.

Regardless of the outcome of this political battle, the United States of America itself will desolve into a bloody class civil war. How sad!


I will probably receive a lot of heat for this post, but I would only ask that you read it in full before passing judgement, The editor/administrator of one of my most often read internet blogs, Jim Quinn of "The Burning Platform", has absolutely nailed it with regard to our current electoral circus. Check it out at:

The Burning Platform