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Welcome To Vilcabamba
"The Sacred Valley of Longevity"

This Is A Privately Circulated Blog, scribbled exclusively for Friends & Familiars, that peers into and pontificates about Expat life in the hinterlands of South America. If your eyesight is less than optimal (like mine), then just click the type size up a notch on your browser..

Here you will find a series of curmudgeonly commentaries that I've posted from atop my rickety old soapbox for the past few years. And yes, there are indeed political rantings, so place your seats in the upright position and fasten your seat belts .... it may be a bumpy ride.


Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year

Christmas is here again - almost without fanfare this year. Probably due to the raucous noise of the election having dominated our thoughts these past several months.

We are all of us saturated by news events from both mainstream and alternative sources, some “fake” and some not. It seems to require a high degree of discernment or a well-honed bullshit meter these days to tell the difference.

I must admit that I paid a certain amount of attention to the North American political circus through the long-distance lens of a foreign expat presently residing in the Ecuadorian Andes. I didn’t however cast a vote.

To my own surprise, after 100% of the nation’s media and most of the pollsters indicated that Hillary Clinton would be the winner, Donald Trump emerged victorious. And now a nation that is still deeply divided and unsettled is inching ever so slowly towards some kind of equilibrium, even though the Democratic partisans still cannot come to grips with their loss.

Only time will tell whether or not the “deplorables” were correct in their faith in Mr. Trump as their president. It is, however, a proven fact that the professional politicians who have been governing ‘We The People’ have been doing a really lousy job of it, so I’m willing to give the new President Elect and his cabinet appointees some elbow room before passing judgement. As they always say - actions speak louder than words.

And so I wish all my friends, familiars and readers a heartfelt Happy Holidays.


The Lost Interview of Steve Jobs

Here's a little treat for all you 'hippy/computer nerds', a just-found interview of Steve Jobs that was lost in shipment from London back to the U.S. It is one of the most thoughtful and introspective interview of Jobs ever conducted. Click link below.

Steve Jobs Interview