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Welcome To Vilcabamba
"The Sacred Valley of Longevity"

This Is A Privately Circulated Blog, scribbled exclusively for Friends & Familiars, that peers into and pontificates about Expat life in the hinterlands of South America. If your eyesight is less than optimal (like mine), then just click the type size up a notch on your browser..

Here you will find a series of curmudgeonly commentaries that I've posted from atop my rickety old soapbox for the past few years. And yes, there are indeed political rantings, so place your seats in the upright position and fasten your seat belts .... it may be a bumpy ride.


All You Troublemakers, Misfits and Freethinkers ...

If this video doesn't stir your heart, put a lump in your throat and bring a tear to your eye .... well, then you need to call 911 at once and ask for an emergency trauma team for help. You're already dead or dying!

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